Every two years the Texas Legislature meets for 140 days. Can you be the voice for animals this session?
Currently the 87th Session of the Texas Legislature is in session. What does that have to do with animals and non profit rescue? Well this session .. quite a bit.
There are numerous great bills before the legislature that relate to the protection of animal. We would like to call attention to two issues before this legislature that you can have an impact on simply by contacting your representatives and letting them know you speak for the animals and support passing the listed Bills. It is simple as that, an email, phone call or letter to your representative can make a difference. To find your representative, to read the bills, or track the progress click on Texas Legislature Online
SB 197 SB 227 HB 592
Amends the Texas Tax Code to eliminate the application of sales tax to the adoption fee (“sale”) of animals. Short story… there was a change in how the Tax Code was interpreted due to a complaint against a rescue forcing the Tax office to assert to the letter of the law. SB 197 is to change the language of the tax code so that Sales Tax will not apply (if you want the long version of this click HERE
HB 873. and SB 474
These bills improve the current law through a few simple but key clarifications by defining adequate shelter to protect dogs from extreme outdoor temperatures and prevents the use of overly heavy, cruel chain restraints.
The bill also ensures dogs have access to drinking water and can move around without being trapped in standing water or mud. HB 873 and SB 474 explicitly exempts outdoor sporting activities like camping, herding, and field trials. Additionally, this bill does not penalize people who humanely tether their dogs, and it does not outlaw tethering. Finally, the bill strikes the 24-hour waiting period to allow law enforcement to address critical situations immediately, instead of only after tragedy has struck.
Our friends at THLN have comprised a list of all the animal related bills presented this legislative session. Please check them all out and let your representative know you support animal welfare legislation.
Please consider taking the time to contact your representatives and let them know you are a voting voice for the animals.