One of the top reasons families look to surrender a beloved pet is the bite of a child. 77 percent of these bites come from a family pet orbeloved known dog. For National Dog Bite Prevention Week, two dog training moms from have created the website This website is full of helpful videos, graphics and info to help parents and dog owners educate themselves and their children on how to prevent dog bites. Educate yourself on what your dog is trying to tell you, supervise your kids and dogs to help keep everyone safe… basically we ask that all dogs owners work to reduce the 77%

Some Dog Bite Facts from AVMA AVMA

One of the top reasons families look to surrender a beloved pet is the bite of a child. 77 percent of these bites come from a family pet orbeloved known dog. For National Dog Bite Prevention Week, two dog training moms from have created the website This website is full of helpful videos, graphics and info to help parents and dog owners educate themselves and their children on how to prevent dog bites. Educate yourself on what your dog is trying to tell you, supervise your kids and dogs to help keep everyone safe… basically we ask that all dogs owners work to reduce the 77%

Some Dog Bite Facts from AVMA AVMA

  • Each year, more than 4.5 million people in the U.S. are bitten by dogs.
  • Almost 1 in 5 people bitten by dogs require medical attention.
  • Every year, more than 800,000 Americans receive medical attention for dog bites; at least half of them are children.
  • Children are, by far, the most common victims of dog bites and are far more likely to be severely injured.
  • Most dog bites affecting young children occur during everyday activities and while interacting with familiar dogs.
  • Senior citizens are the second most common dog bite victims.