RAIN OR SNOW, THE DANES NEED YOU TO COME EAT PANCAKES THIS Valentine’s Day Morning (February 14th) 2004 in Lewisville (but drive carefully please)! Details and list of items available for auction…..You can win this fantastic BBQ for only $5! $5 raffle tickets will be on sale at the Pancake Breakfast (drawing will be at DaneFest). Watch the site for more details!
Where: Breakfast & Auction will be held at First United Methodist Church, 907 W. Main Street, Lewisville, Texas
When: February 14, 2004 from 8:30 a.m. – noon.
Raffle & Silent Auction winners will be annouced starting at 11:30 a.m.
Admission: Tickets are $5 per adult, $2 per child <12 years old, and free for kid under 3 years old. Directions: Northwest corner of Main Street & Summit Street across Summit from Walmart. I-35E to Main Street/FM 1171 exit in Lewisville (Exit #452). West on Main Street/FM 1171, go past Walmart (on right), Summit Street., right into church parking lot (about 1/2 mile from Exit #452 to parking lot)
Bring:Yourself, your spouse, your kids, your friends, your neighbors, your checkbook :o). Leave the dogs at home for this event – they can all come to DaneFest in March! Dress is casual.
RSVP APPRECIATED but not necessary
Want to donate items for our Auction? Please contact us via email or phone
1. B.J.’s Restaurant and Brewery Gift Certificates
2. Gift Certicate for 1/2 day of Professional